Monday, June 16, 2008

Welboy~About my feeling

First of all, i would like to say thank you to madam for giving us chance to express our feeling all through the foundation english class. Since the first day i attend this foundation english class i really feel shy because i know that my english is not so good and i'm afraid if i was the only one who can't speak english fluently. Apart from that, i also feel worry being scold by madam if i can't answer your question. But now, i know all of that presumption is not true. I also feel really happy and comfortable when doing the group work because we can cooperate with each other in order to finish the assignment given. Furthermore all of my group member are friendly. Meaning to say it is easy for us to communicate with each other. But there is one thing that i did not satisfied with my self during the class. It was when i present the book review in title the adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle. I understand the story very well but i just don't feel confident speak english infront of the people. It become more worse because i feel shy on that moment. Next week our group will present our drama with the other foundation english class. I hope that we can do our best and enjoy with the drama. Lastly, i'm so proud being your student for the foundation english class. You are so open, fair, sporting and of course know how to deal with the student. Thanks a lot for teach me.

1 comment:

haslina said...

Dear Welboy.

I'm really happy for you. I hope your confidence will continue to grow. - Madam -