Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Time fly very fast. After the semester exam that will fall on next week, then end our semester 3. It’s unbelievable that it could be so fast and end so soon. Before begin this third semester, I heard that it will be very pack in our time table. But I still have to accept it as a fact because my damn poor MUET result. Sigh. But after met my classmates (on the first day and even those who came late because of your personal problems), getting know each other, and become closer within each other, I realize I can able to find happiness in the class with my beloved Madame and all my friends. I am glad that all of us have such opportunity having Madame Haslina as our lecturer. She is the most different among the lecture I have met since I am in UKM. I like her as our lecturer. With her guiding on us, I have some kind of feeling that I was still in Primary school where she likes to hear from others problems, help other as she can like she does in correct my pronunciations, grammar, word usage and even correct us what she found we are wrong in anything and concern of our progress. I like it all. There has been years for me to meet such a lecturer. As I strive to live starting from our third semester begins, I feel that there is someone concern about me. I like it and appreciate it all. Thank you so much Madame. Moreover, within getting closer to each others, we face problem, we help each other as we try our best to fix it all. Along the journey, we gather for three hours from every Monday till Thursday, we learn together, discuss together, smile together and even correct each others, we become closer and closer. And now we only have two days as our lecture hours. It seems too soon for us to separate and continue our journey going to reach another station in our life. Remember to get into our Foundation English Set 5 Blog after finish this semester and post your blog whenever you free as keep in touch with each others as well...


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