Friday, June 20, 2008

my feel at class(komaRul arifin)

assalamualaikum and good morning to madam and all my friends. firstly, thank you madam haslina because give high commited to student set 5, always came early and compare with other lucturer. i enjoy and study together students set 5. i will improve myself and now i don't be shy. thanx again to students set 5 in making drama. although not succes, i know you all try the best.i hope i can see you again. miss you all

1 comment:

haslina said...

I'm happy for you, Arifin. I'm glad that you no longer feel shy to express yourself in English. I'm sure you'll improve your English. I hope to, one day, see you and your Foundation English classmates again. Take care. - Madam -