Thursday, June 19, 2008


Today, I feel very happy and little upset during farewell ceremony to this morning. Really consider hearts, farewell ceremony minute just now already ended, but yet end. I sur I struggle would miss all of my friends, especially once madam Haslina. I will really miss her. Although lot of happiness I perceive, grief doubled up accompany me when I hereabouts. Too much grief I concealed. Too deep… may it teach me with deeper of meaning patience. My advice, when budding do not ever make our friend as people who are have no feeling, because she also a woman, those humans have feeling, she I advice, when budding do not ever make our friend as people who are have no feeling, because she also a woman, those humans have feeling’s, s he also be sorrow, happy and like to share like grief with-you but you often forget, that she also taken have happy story and sad wish to be shared all, not only become a listener, assistant when ye difficult he so even…

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