Nokia N96
This is the best Nokia phone.
-500 megapixels camera
-have Wi-Fi, 3G
-16GB internal memory
-memory card(micro SD) up to 8 GB
-128MB RAM
Mobile phones are very common today and it is a type of communication tool. There are many brands of mobile phones such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Samsung, Motorola, Apple, and so on. Most of people like mobile phones because it contains much software especially for Nokia phones. Besides, it is easy to communicate because it has function such as SMS, MMS, EMS, GPRS, 3G, and also camera up to 500 megapixels. It also has Wi-Fi so we can online anywhere which have wireless. Mobile phones are very convenient to use because it is very weightless. Otherwise, mobile phones also can used normal battery to charge and don’t need used the plug, so it is very convenient when we go to any place.
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