Segway is a two-wheeled, self-balancing electric vehicle. It’s invented by Dean Kamen and unveiled in December 2001. In laws that regulate it, the applicable category is sometimes called "electric personal assistive mobility device" (EPAMD). A niche that Segways have been often adopted into is transportation across military bases, warehouses, corporate campuses or industrial sites, or neighborhoods in place of walking or bicycles. The original Segway models were activated using one of three keys that is black key, yellow key, red key. Black Key is for beginners where slowest speed limited to no more than 6 mph and slower turning rate. Yellow Key is for intermediate users and/or pavements where faster speed-up to 8 mph and faster turning rate. Red Key is for more advanced users in open areas. Maximum speed-up to 10 mph on p-Series and 12.5 mph on i-Series and max turning rate.
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